
bored [no title yet]

i have no clue of what a broken heart feels like.

does it feel like
a star that blew up?

does it feel like
when your tounge gets stuck
on the metal ice cube tray?

does it feel like
when a dog bites you in the axx?

does it feel like
when you were a kid
and lost your favorite teddy bear?

does it feel like
when you smash your fingers in the car door?

or does it feel like
a heart attack?

does it feel like
a broken arm?

i have no clue of what a broken heart feels like...
guess im blessed.


Ira said...

I guess we’re both lucky! lol I feel so bad for people when they get their heart broken, its so sad, almost not even funny, just sad lol

Eric Davis said...

Yes you are blessed and to avoid getting your "heart broken" i'll give you some advice.... Don't expect anyone to want to be with you and only you, because you dont OWN anyone but yourself, people will lead their own direction in life with or without you and people WILL change. Keyword: Change. It's sort of hard to deal with when it first happens but thats an easy way to get over that situation just incase it does, but hopefully it doesn't.

My explaination of what a "broken heart" feels like is ummm...Hunger, weakness, and fatigue.... other than that it's complicated.